Michael spent January and most of February working long hours trying to meet a deadline. Thankfully the deadline has passed and now he’s back to somewhat normal hours. (He has a bizarre tendency to awake before dawn. Without an alarm clock. I barely awake before noon. With an alarm clock.) Michael's project manager insisted he take a day off at the end of the project so we scoured the weather report and chose a day that would be sunny and warm.
We had a brilliant family day gallivanting around town. We began with a trip to the trampoline park. Luckily for us, the sunny and warm day we had selected was also the day that the trampoline park does Toddler Time in the morning. 5 bucks for Eva and FREE for Michael and I to jump for an hour. Magnificent! We had a great time sinking into the foam pits and flashing our underwear as we struggled to emerge from the quick sand. We had a great time playing dodgeball even though Michael threw the balls at me at inappropriate speeds. That guy can throw hard! We had a great time straining our muscles and sweating like pigs running a marathon.
We were tired and sore at the end of the hour and sought nourishment. We went out to lunch and enjoyed sandwiches and Cheetos. Mostly Cheetos.
We were feeling rejuvenated after consuming all of those atomic-orange morsels of goodness so we decided to go for a little hike. We’ve had so much rain this winter that I wanted to see how Silver Falls was flowing. It’s flowing mightily!
After our hike Eva was very tired and kept asking us to carry her. I politely declined. We enticed her to keep moving by promising a visit to the toys at the top of the trail. She instantly found extra energy.
By the end of the day, each of us was exhausted and ready for bed. It was a wonderful day spent with the people I love.
I wish days off happened more often.
OMG! I remember carrying a crying baby Eva to Silver Falls. When did she get big enough to play on the slide alone?