Monday, January 29, 2018


Kitty is supposed to be in bed but just look at her. I simply can’t bring myself to interrupt.


I mean, I’m heartless, but not THAT heartless.

Friday, January 19, 2018


Isn't this the cutest thing you ever did see?


I caught the artist of this drawing putting a booger in her mouth today.  I always freak out when she does this but she doesn’t seem deterred.  I said in my best mom-voice, “Don’t you dare eat that booger!” 

My artist very calmly responded, “I wasn’t…I was just licking it.”

I give up.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Raft Trip

We were looking for something fun to do on New Year’s Day that didn’t require exercise or dealing with crowds since we’re lazy and anti-social.  The World Forestry Center aptly fit our requirements.  I mean, come on, how many people want to learn about trees on a given day? 

Turns out, just the right amount.  There were only about 10 other people there and it was a nice way for us to spend the day.  The best part was they had a white water rafting simulator.  Eva was smitten.  Like we went on it 436 times smitten.

Luckily there were only 10 other nerds in the center with us and they didn’t seem to mind that we were bogarting the raft.


At the end of our visit I told Eva it was time to leave but she wanted to ride in the raft once more before we departed.  Myke was off reading about wood structures and earthquakes and I couldn’t bear sitting in the raft again so I told Eva to quickly take one more ride by herself.  She ran off and I started peeping around for the miniature sasquatch that was supposedly hiding in the center somewhere.  I wanted to win the prize for finding him.  I turned to check on Eva and this is what I saw:


I never did lay eyes on sasquatch but this adventure-loving bear in a coat is a way better find.

I totally deserve a prize.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Christmas Break

I realize it’s taken me a long time to get around to blogging about Christmas.  I do not apologize.  I’ve been busy. 
Watching Netflix.
What’s there to say except that I’m terribly sad that the holidays are over?  I barely took down my Christmas decorations yesterday.  Don’t judge me.  I've been busy.
Watching Netflix.
You should know that we had a most wonderful Christmas break.  We detoured to Utah on our way to Idaho to see the lights on Temple Square and meet up with our dear friends.  We also met up with my dear parents.  That was my favorite part.
Despite the cold, Idaho was fantastic.  After a few days in the frigidity, Eva said, “I’m sure glad we don’t live in this weather!”  I agree.  Here’s our fun in the briefest of explanations: 
We headed out right after Myke's office party at a bowling alley where Eva became sick and pooped her pants.  I had to throw those Elsa panties in the garbage.  Poor girl tried to enjoy the arcade but just felt crummy.  She did manage to play Fruit Ninja for about half an hour straight.  In Idaho, we went sledding at my sister-in-law’s mother’s house where the snow was so fluffy, we couldn’t gain any speed.  Thankfully we were entertaining 2 kids with the attention spans of fleas and they didn’t seem to mind the snail’s pace of our sledding hill.  What a thrill! 
We went ice skating where Michael limped to the rink in his ice skates and then proclaimed he couldn’t possibly skate with the severity of cramping in his arches.  Good thing we paid an $8 admission fee for the guy.  Eva and I skated alone until she started crying because she was cold and realized that ice skating requires balance.  She had none. 
We brought presents for Dexter the cat and Puppets the dog, made cupcakes for Santa, and had our annual gingerbread house competition.  Michael and I did not win. 
We went to the museum, ate fish tacos, played in the snow, saw Ferdinand the movie, ate fish tacos, put together a puzzle, wished we could eat more fish tacos, went to the dairy for ice cream, rode the train, ate fondue, and enjoyed the comfort of family. 
It was perfect.
Eva loved playing with her cousins and I loved being home.
Then Christmas was a jerk and went ahead and ended, so we had to leave. 
And now it’s just crappy old winter. 