Sunday, April 4, 2021


I love Easter.  I love the promise of Spring, I love the celebration of Christ, and I really love the candy.


Especially those Cadbury Mini Eggs.  They are my downfall.

I also really love it when Easter is the same weekend as General Conference.  Despite Covid still disrupting our lives, we had a wonderful Easter weekend.  

It began with preparations for our annual Easter egg hunt.  Kitty dutifully filled the eggs and snitched candy as she went along.

This year's participants were Kitty and Michael, and the special Golden Egg contained a Lego mini-fig.  Who would find it?!  (Kitty)

On Easter Sunday, Kitty received a basket from the good ol' Easter Bunny himself.  New PJ's, bubble, bath, and a giant chocolate rabbit.  

Then we enjoyed our Monkey bread and listened to the Prophet during General Conference.  My blood sugar was so high by then I was seeing stars.

So we switched over to the protein side and dyed some eggs.  Mykey even pulled out his nerdy egg bot to aid in the decorating.  Kitty was smitten.

It was a divine Easter!  And to top it all off, my parents bought Kitty a beautiful Easter dress.

Happy Easter indeed!

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Spring Break Numero Dos

I'm so good at cajoling that I sweet-talked my other sissy into coming for another Spring Break.  Luckily it didn't take much convincing since she comes nearly every year.  Our second Spring Break was much more laid back.  In fact, we really didn't do much of anything but putter around.  It was perfect.

I was happy to see Kitty and her cousin finally getting along.  They've had a rocky history together.  It made my heart melt.

We did manage to make it up to our other sissy's house for dinner and Harry Potter Uno.  I lost.

And we caught the cherry blossoms at the capital building.

My favorite activity came on April Fool's Day.  I had the brilliant idea to give Kitty a box of Junior Mints filled with rocks.  She was at school while my nephew and I dug through the rocks in my yard to find the perfect specimens.  He giggled and giggled at the thought of watching her open the box.  I giggled at his giggling.  It's always satisfying to make a teenage boy chuckle.  And the prank did not disappoint!  

Kitty was a good sport.

It was a wonderful bonus Spring Break.  

Too bad I couldn't talk anyone into coming for a third.  

Friday, April 2, 2021

It's a Goner

Kitty lost another tooth!  It was loose for weeks and she dutifully pushed and pulled on it in anticipation of the big fall out.  The Tooth Fairy appreciated the build up because it gave her plenty of time to plan ahead and have treats waiting in the closet.  This was a departure from the usual run-to-Walgreens-at-midnight routine.

Kitty spit the tooth out on Good was an exciting start to our Easter weekend.

The Tooth Fairy was quite generous.  I guess she really enjoyed her extra shopping time.  

She brought a bubble machine!  Wowza! Kitty channeled her inner E.T. on this reach.

Hooray for losing teeth!