Saturday, April 11, 2020

Physician's Assistant

Chloe was sick.  Really, really sick.  Kitty was worried about Chloe and was providing top tier medical care for the poor baby.

But Kitty had to go to school and Chloe couldn't be left without proper medical attention.

Kitty's only option was to enlist my help.  Since my medical expertise is non-existent, and I'm not tender with sick people, it wasn't ideal.  But I would have to do.  First grade waits for no Kitty.

Thankfully, Dr. Kitty wrote out detailed instructions for me - I excel at following directions.

I needed supplies:
  • Glasses
  • Medicine
  • Bandage
  • Shot
Every 5 hours, I needed to do the following:
  • Give Chloe medicine
  • Check Chloe's temperature
  • Give her shots with her clothes off
  • Swaddle her up
  • Tuck her in with her tiny hat and Pink Panther doll

The first words out of Kitty's mouth when I picked her up from school were, "How's Chloe?"  I responded with a confident, "I took excellent care of our patient.  She voiced zero complaints."

Kitty was happy.

Chloe was happy.

I was happy.

I'm considering treating patients full-time.  I think the world could use more unqualified medical professionals. 

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Be Mine

Let's talk about the fake holiday called Valentine's Day.  I don't care about Valentine's Day for myself, but I really care about Valentine's Day for Kitty.  She's just so fun to celebrate holidays with!

The day before Valentine's Day, poor Kitty was sick.  She got all ready for school and then said, "I think I'm going to poop my pants."  The rest of the day was spent wrestling with the 2 p's: puking and pooping.  By nightfall Kitty was still sick and I worried she was going to miss out on the Valentine's party at school.

Mykey gave Kitty a Priesthood blessing and we said a heartfelt prayer that she would be able to go to school the next day. Then we tucked her into bed.  I said my own prayer that her poor little heart wouldn't get broken.  I fully expected her to be puking throughout the night, since she had been consistently all day.

But she didn't.  She slept straight through the night and awoke to presents!  She was a little pale but managed to eat breakfast so I figured she was good to go to school and enjoy the celebrations.

Yup.  I made that pop-up card all by myself with my own 10 sausage fingers.

It was pink and red day at school and Kitty chose her outfit all by herself with her own 10 non-sausage fingers.

At school, she carefully turned her Valentine collection bag into a kitty.

We had steak and potatoes for dinner and enjoyed our day of love.

I'm incredibly grateful that God watches over us and answers all of our prayers - even the non-critical ones involving Valentine's Day at school.

It was a spectacular fake holiday for all.

Happy Valentine's Day!