Sunday, October 29, 2023

11 Years of Kitty

My first baby is 11-years-old.  11! 

One word sums up Kitty's 11th birthday: Zelda.

She is everything Zelda all the time.  With the occasional Lego intermission.

We had Zelda themed invitations and gift bags.

She received Zelda themed gifts.

And we had a Zelda party at the trampoline park where she made it to the top of the Ninja wall! Kitty also requested a Texas Sheet cake this year and that was a blessing for her dear old mother.  I need simplicity.  

She scored in the gift department.  She received shoes with wheels - they are not easy to use at first - an Etch-a-Sketch, a Lava lamp from Mykey's mom, and crafts, gift cards, and a robotic lizard from her friends.  And of course, an enormous Harry Potter Lego set from her cousins.  She instantly went to work on that baby.  She also spent her money from my parents on an Indiana Jones Lego set. 

It was the perfect way to celebrate 11 years of Kitty.

She brings me such joy.  We are very similar in our Viking rage, and sometimes we clash stronger than the Titans, but Kitty truly is a pleasure to have around.  I love watching her grow, but I wish it wouldn't happen so quickly!  I love her with all of my heart.

Happy Birthday to Kitty!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Gotta get Away

We wanted to take an impromptu weekend trip. Every time we talk about a weekend trip, Pigeon Forge is my family's suggestion.  This is when I sigh and shake my head.  They are not deterred by my discontent. 

So you'll never guess where we went for a quick weekend getaway.

Pigeon Forge!

It's not that I hate the place - I only mildly dislike it.  It's just that we've been there so often, I'd like a change of scenery.  Kitty and Mykey do not agree.  If they could marry Pigeon Forge, they would.  

But at least on this trip we stayed in a new hotel and visited a spot I haven't patronized before.  The weather was perfect and we ended up having a grand time.

We stayed in a hotel that has an attached water park.  Too bad it was not swimming weather.  But Kitty still had a good time.  She and Baby slept on bunk beds! Kitty also completed a treasure hunt and opened a vault full of goodies in our room, rock climbed, and went to the arcade.  Baby tried applesauce for the first time and loved it.  I loved having drool-ridden applesauce run down my hands. We even hit up Duck Pin bowling, where Booney wiped the floor with everyone.  

It's my new favorite way to bowl.

We had to see the lights at Dollywood, of course.  It never disappoints.  And we braved the crowds to ride a gondola up to Anakeesta to take in the views.

They were breathtaking.  The sun was shining, the leaves were turning, and I had a delicious plate of nachos.  It was a peaceful day and I absorbed all the happiness in my heart.

Pigeon Forge was the right choice afterall.

Don't tell anyone I said that.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

4 Months

Baby had her 4 month check-up recently.  The months are flying by!  At 4 months old, Baby is much more interactive.  She is generous with smiles and wants to be held a lot.  I oblige.  I even let her nap in my arms every afternoon.

What?  I've earned it.

She is sleeping better and has even made it all the way through the night a few times.  She isn't consistent yet though so we're working on that.  Her big sister is leaning into her role more and enjoying the smiles.

Baby has taking up drooling and performs like it's an Olympic event.  I've purchased stock in the bib market. Baby also chews on everything.  She now has a collection of teethers - all of which I call chew toys.  It makes Kitty angry.  "She's not a dog, Mom!"

Well, she chews like one.

Here's how our baby is measuring up at 4 months:

Weight: 14 lbs, 10 oz - 63rd percentile

Length: 25 inches - 76th percentile (the nurses always seem to have trouble measuring her so I don't take the length measurement as gospel)

Head circumference: 16 inches - 56th percentile

We sure love our baby sister!

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Fall Break

Kitty gets a week off from school in the fall.  This is apparently an attempt from the school board to make us forget that she had to start school the first week of August. Their sorcery doesn't work on me. I remember how short our summer was.  But I'll still take their lousy week.

We took ours to Idaho.

It was everything you expect Idaho to be - cold.

But it was also wonderfully wonderful. was for me.  Poor Mykey spent the week at his mother's bedside in the hospital.  That wasn't wonderful at all.

My sissy drove down from Coeur d'Alene to be with me, my niece and nephews drove up from Logan for the weekend, and my dear friend from high school spent most of the week with us.  It made my heart happy and was good for my soul.

So what did we do, you ask?

Well...we went to the museum to look at reptiles.  Kitty was in heaven.  She even recorded her sentiments on the provided blackboard.

We had fish tacos then went to the dairy to eat ice cream with my niece.  Booney was in heaven.

We watched another niece and nephew run a cross country race.  It was freezing cold but I loved cheering them on.

We also made a day trip to Logan, where we ate tiny spicy chicken, hit up the Pepperidge Farm factory, and ate Aggie ice cream.  Booney was in heaven again.

And while in Logan we found ourselves waiting for my mom and my dear friend to fix my nephew's bed. The 2 guys I was with promptly began snoozing and snoring in the front seat. Whata coupla geezers-a.

We also went for a Sunday afternoon walk like the good ol' days.  We are quite a mob of hooligans.

And Baby received a gift from Mykey's sister.  It is her very first teething ring. She was in heaven.

I loved watching my family hold Baby.  When she would allow them the honor - she mostly just cried right in their faces.

It was a great week that was over far too quickly.

And suddenly we were riding the tram in the Dallas airport heading for home.  Kitty was determined not to hold on. She managed to successfully keep her balance despite the high speeds and jarring stops.

Well. I guess vacation is officially over.

We had such a nice time that I suppose I should thank the school board for fall break.  I'll consider it.