Monday, March 28, 2022

Moving In

After our long trip to Florida, we were ready to get our moving truck, unpack, and sleep in our own beds.  We arrived back in TN on Feb 27th.  The moving truck was scheduled to arrive on Feb 28th.  

Feb 28th came and went.  And so did the next promised delivery date, and the next, and the next.  We were living in emptiness with only our suitcase and my swamp shoes for company.

We had to sleep on air mattresses.  I shared with Kitty since Mykey and I were extraordinarily uncomfortable on the same pile of air.  I wasn't comfortable with Kitty either.  She kicks and steals the blankets.  It was terrible and we were tired.

To ease our pain, Mykey purchased a new TV but we had to watch in camp chairs.  Not comfortable.

We only ate food that could be microwaved or warmed in the oven.  This hurt my feelings since I enjoy cooking.  Kitty couldn't start school because her birth certificate was in the moving truck.  After 2 weeks I finally ordered her a new one with express shipping.  55 doll-hairs that bad boy cost.  55!

So how long did our misery last?  It took them 38 days to deliver our belongings.  And they scratched, dented, or completely ruined many of our items.  Like Michael's office chair.  

The best part was that when all was said and done, they charged us $3,000 more than their original quote.

And not one apology for the delay and damage to our items.  I'm appalled.  

I hope karma finds them in a big way.  BIG.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

St. Patty's

After the successful trapping of Molly's shoes, we celebrated with lunch at a Mexican restaurant down the street from our house.  It was delicious and we will be revisiting those fajitas.

Kitty was out of school for Spring Break so we were free to meander and enjoy the day. At lunch Kitty noticed that her dad wasn't wearing green.  How shameful!  After a generous pinch from Kitty, he decided to wear her Sprite lid as his green item.

Kitty laughed hysterically.  She loves herself a good dad joke. Wish I could say the same...  

We bummed around for most of the day and then dressed up for our green dinner.  Michael managed to take 35 unflattering pictures of us.  It's his new talent.

And?! Kitty found a real four-leaf-clover at school a few days later!  Talk about being lucky!  She'd better grab herself a Powerball ticket before it wears off.

Happy St. Patrick's Day! 

Friday, March 18, 2022

New Leprechaun

Despite our lack of supplies around our empty house, Kitty was adamant that she should try to catch a leprechaun this year.  After all, we live in Tennessee now, and certainly there are different leprechauns around these parts that won't know all of her tricks.

She ruminated for days over what kind of leprechaun she would catch in Tennessee.  Would it be a girl?  Would she actually be able to get one this year?  Would it have a southern accent? (That was my question.  Kitty thought it was an unimportant query.  I disagree.)

We carted ourselves to the local discount store and did our best to scrounge supplies for a leprechaun trap.  Kitty designed the entire thing herself and carefully set everything up.

Surely she'll get herself a southern leprechaun.

Kitty patiently waited for days.  Finally, the trap was sprung!  It was a new leprechaun!  

But she got away.

Kitty meticulously reset the trap and wrote Molly a note explaining that her intentions were definitely not devious.  

And then she patiently waited a few more days.  Finally, the trap was sprung again!  But alas, no leprechaun!  That Molly is a clever girl.  

Kitty reset the trap for one more round.  Surely she would get Molly on St. Patrick's Day. She just had to come one more time.

Eureka!  She trapped Molly's shoes!

Whew!  That was exciting.  

And now...Kitty has already started sketching plans for next year's trap.  She'll get that Molly McGee somehow!

Saturday, March 12, 2022

New Toy

Kitty asked for an Etch-a-Sketch at the store the other day.  Since she has nothing to play with around the house,  I obliged.  She has been dedicated to mastering that baby, twisting away for hours.  I can only draw a straight line on those things, but Kitty's getting pretty good at it.  

She made a robot.

And the Eiffel Tower.

And the White House.

I am genuinely impressed. 

Best 7 bucks I ever spent!

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

First Day of School

Finally, after 3 weeks of loitering, Kitty started at her new school.  She was nervous but also ready to be back at school.  Hanging out with me cleaning and doing repairs on the condo was apparently not fun for her.  Newsflash: it's not fun for me either.

She was brave as we walked her to her classroom.  I tried to be brave as well.  It was weird and sad to be dropping her off at a new school.  

But she did great on her first day!  It is definitely an adjustment and a little overwhelming, but I know she will do just fine.

We celebrated her success with gelato.  Delicious!

Happy first day to Kitty!

Friday, March 4, 2022


Duh, duh, duh, another one bites the dust!

Another tooth, that is.  I really need to peek inside Kitty's mouth and see how many more of these dental dumps we're in for.  I swear she should be out of teeth by now.  I'm certain I lost all of my baby teeth by the time I was 6.  Absolutely certain. 

Since we don't have any envelopes, Kitty made her own out of a piece of paper from her school binder.  She's industrious, that one.

Well, at least it added a bit of joy to the doldrums of waiting in an empty condo for a moving truck.  True to form, the Tooth Fairy showered gifts-a-plenty upon our dear Kitty.  The Baby Yoda Bop-It is actually pretty fun.  Good job, Tooth Fairy.  

And good job, Kitty.  You're an old pro at losing teeth!