Thursday, June 28, 2018

Graduation–For Realsy

Eva had her official preschool graduation this month.  This was her 3rd graduation from Titan Tots, but the one that actually was for real-sy.  Eva’s off to Kindergarten in the fall and she’s already started counting the months until school starts.   

The graduation was a cute little affair.  The kids sang, we clapped, they walked across the risers to receive their certificates, the room was silent – very bizarre but whatever – it was a nice sendoff to higher education.  The only disappointment came when there weren’t any chocolate refreshments once I mosied over to the refreshment table.  I had to settle for fruit.  Fruit!  At a celebration!  Psssh.



My mommy was in town for the big event and that made it extra special for me.  And she bought Eva flowers and that made it so I didn’t have to fork over any cash for a gift.  That was extra special for me too.

Happy official graduation to Eva!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Dad’s Day

Where in the world have I been? 

Well…I’m not really sure. 

So quit asking.

Man, do I have a lot of things to blog about.  And yet, I’m feeling too mentally tired to be witty and charming and witty. 

Why am I so mentally tired you ask.

Well…I’m not really sure.

So quit asking.

It might have something to do with the 90° weather we’ve been having.  I must be a true Oregonian now and I’m sensitive to the sun. 

It might have something to do with my new responsibilities at church.  I’m the Relief Society president now and it’s a tad overwhelming.  (Feel free to start referring to me as Madame President.)

It might be…it just might be…that I’m inherently a sloth.

That’s Madame President Sloth to you.

I’m going to push through my trance and write something exceptional for you – or at least something mediocre.  Let’s begin with an event that happened long ago.  So long ago in fact, it might have even happened in a different dimension.  (Eva likes to talk about dimensions a lot.  I don’t really get it.  She’s much brighter than I am.) 

Long ago, in a dimension far, far away, Michael attended “Dad’s Day” at Eva’s preschool.

They ate donuts.  They played a game.  Eva gave him a baseball with her handprint on it as a present.  Michael doesn’t play baseball.  Unless you count sitting down in the outfield with your mitt in your lap picking at the grass as “playing baseball.”

No matter.  It was a sweet date for the two of them.


And Eva knows a lot about her dad.  She really loves that guy.  Who can blame her?  He’s pretty great.


Such a wonderful Dad’s Day!  Next time I’ll tell you about Eva’s graduation. 

Prolly in about 4 months from now.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

I Jinxed It

I was commenting to Michael a couple of weeks ago how impressed I am that Eva has never drawn on anything but paper.  She’s never colored on the walls, her hands, her clothes, nada.  I’m even more impressed that I never had to tell her to only draw on paper; she did it all on her own.  I was feeling proud of my little kitty.

A few days after I had opened my big fat mouth and articulated my pride, I was rummaging around in my junk drawer and saw this scribbled on the bottom of the drawer:


And then found this on Eva’s desk:


And then this was on her hands:


She has been drawing on her hands everyday now for about a week.

I shoulda dadgum knocked on wood before flapping my lips.

Lesson learned.

Sunday, June 3, 2018


Wanna know what I did this past week? 

Well, I’m gonna tell you anyway.

This week I:

  • Took my baby to her last day of preschool and didn’t even feel sad about it.  Talk about progress!
  • Saw a really old naked woman in the locker room at the YMCA.  And I mean NAKED. She was wearing only water shoes and hobbling about with a cane.  Someone once told me – I think it may have been my mother - that old lady breasts look like tube socks with a rock in the bottom.  I know now that this is a completely accurate description. 
  • Picked up my mommy from the airport and had a donut to celebrate National Donut Day.  Hooray for both events!Recap (1)
  • Went to Target to purchase water since our city’s water source has been contaminated with some disgusting bacteria algae something-or-other.  I don’t like buying water but I really don’t like drinking bacteria either.  So…you know, que sera sera.   Eva and her friend didn’t care about the water crisis, they only had eyes for Bullseye.Recap (2)
  • Fulfilled my daughter's request to make a cupcake bouquet, even though when handling a pastry bag, I have the dexterity and accuracy of a monkey.  Somehow this monkey pulled it off.  Eva arranged the cupcakes all on her own.  Not bad for a monkey’s daughter. 


All in all, I’d say that’s a mighty fine week.  Now what should I do for fun next week?

Maybe I’ll try walking around the locker room naked.  Better dig out my water shoes…