Monday, May 31, 2021

Camp Lost Lake

Usually I sit around and overeat for Memorial Day weekend.  It's my standard weekend routine.  But this Memorial Day was different.  We went camping!

I have a strict once-per-year camping policy but my sissy pitched me an overnight camping trip and made it sound irresistible.  

So I took the bait. We had a marvelous time!  And I was even able to sit around and overeat. That's a win.

We began our adventure by shuttling ourselves off to Lost Lake.  As always, Kitty dressed appropriately for a night in the dirt.

What a beautiful area it was!  The lake was glacially cold but stunning to look at.  The kids didn't seem to mind that their appendages turned to icicles almost immediately, and swam around like crazy people.  They even found a critter whom Kitty named Slicky.

It was wonderful to relax around the fire and enjoy my sissy and her family.  We had zero cell phone reception and it was divine.  

The kids spent a good chunk of time in the hammock.  We had a few spills but it didn't deter them.  Kitty whacked her cheek on a giant log at dinnertime after tumbling from the hammock.  Good thing kids are made of rubber.

We tried our hand at making Elephant Soap.  Too bad someone brought all the ingredients but failed to write down the ratios.  What?  I thought I would remember the recipe.  As it turned out...I didn't.

We talked and laughed.  The kids disagreed and made up.  We swam and ate Oreos.  We poked at the fire.  We made precious memories.

It was perfect.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Madre's Day

My favorite thing about being a Mom is eating steak.

Wait.  Maybe that's my favorite thing about being a carnivore.  

Either way, Mykey made me a delicious steak on Mother's Day.  You can now add that to his repertoire of grilled cheese, eggs, and toast.

I know the answer now.  My favorite thing about being a Mom is nagging others.  

And receiving gifts from my Kitty.

She made me flowers from her thumbprints.  I loved it.

She also gave me a little Zinnia that grew into an enormous Zinnia by the end of the summer.  I loved that too. (Despite never taking a photo of it.)

Kitty wrote nice things about me for Mother's Day.  I loved that most of all.

Being a mom really is the best.  I get to see this face everyday.  And that's my favorite thing.

There just isn't anything better.  Happy Mother's Day to me!

Saturday, May 1, 2021


Michael had a birthday.  He's now 45.  I now shake my head in disbelief.

Remember when we met and he was 25? What happened to all those years?!!

I figured we should make it a good birthday since by next year he may be incontinent, so we headed to the coast for a day trip.  The weather was cloudy but mild, and it resulted in a beautiful day without a lot of people hanging around.  It was perfect.

We first filled our bellies with delicious hamburgers.  Old men need energy for activities.

Then we went Geo-caching.  It was our first attempt and we were mighty successful.  We found a beaded necklace, a bird, and a toy of some villain from a movie we've never seen.  We also left behind a few 3D printed treasures for someone else.  Kitty especially enjoyed the hunt.

Next we visited the glass blowing shop, spent some time on the beach, and hit up our favorite candy store, Read's.  Everyone needs 12 pounds of salt water taffy on their 45th birthday.

At home we enjoyed cheesecake and presents.  I gave the ol'boy a massage gun.  Funny thing about that massage gun...I've used it more than he has.  What?  I gotta bad leg.  But I'm still younger than my husband!!

Kitty gave him a Superman minifig.  He is now fastened securely to Mykey's computer monitor.

I just love birthdays!  Even if it does mean my husband is an old geezer - I guess I'll love him anyway.

Happy Birthday, Mykey!