Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 Kitty is a business owner!

Unfortunately, business has been slow because of Covid.

But once those mandates are lifted, she'll be RICH!

Friday, September 18, 2020

Father's Day

I know how to make sure the father in my house has a most spectacular Father's Day.

One word: food

Like steak.

And potatoes.

And treats.

That gigantic Hershey kiss is a Rice Krispie treat that Kitty and I lovingly molded and wrapped in yards and yards of foil.  It was delicious.  We also lovingly collected rocks outside and made the father in our house a craft.  

And Kitty made a sweet note for her father.  

Yes, it was a most spectacular Father's Day indeed!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Mother's Day

Have you ever been watching a cooking show and thought, "Wow!  That looks delicious.  I must make that immediately!"?

I thought that recently about a chocolate hazelnut torte I saw on TV.  Mother's Day seemed like the perfect date to try it out.

Mykey graciously made dinner.

And I graciously made myself a torte.

It looked so inviting and incredibly delicious.  I was extremely excited as I wrapped my big lips around my first enormous bite.  As I began chewing my first enormous bite,  I remembered a minor detail.

I don't like hazelnuts.  Like, at all.


That dadgum torte tasted like dirt.  Because that's what hazelnuts taste like - a big 'ol pile of dirt.  But don't worry, the day wasn't a complete waste.  Kitty made me a nice note.

And then she gave me a nice mess to clean up in the bathroom.

Ah, Motherhood.  Sometimes it's like a chocolate hazelnut torte - it looks mighty appealing but can end up being just a big 'ol pile of dirt.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Old Man River

My husband apparently thinks I want to be married to a 44-year-old.

So he went ahead and turned 44.

Now what am I supposed to do?

Sigh.  I had no choice but to celebrate his birthday.  And like a good wifey, I took him hiking.  I even attempted taking an attractive selfie with him.  But we failed because we're old now.  Uhhh...I mean...he's old now.

Larger sigh.

No matter. I'm such a good wifey I bought him an ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins and let him eat a cheeseburger and fries for dinner - even though I could hear his old heart groaning beneath the grease.

Kitty bought him a nerd toy - a mini Sphero. They get each other.

I bought him a new office chair for his old back.  It took 6 weeks to arrive.  Apparently it rolled itself to our house from the East Coast.

Alright, I guess I'll keep the old guy.  (But not much longer.)

Happy Birthday, Mykey!