Monday, June 3, 2024

Quick Trip

The day after school let out, we were on an airplane bound for the far away land of Idaho.  

It was an unplanned trip - Michael's mom is having health struggles so we flew in for a quick week to check in on her.  And a week really does go quickly. 

It wasn't a trip full of adventures.  It was a trip of family time. We spent most of our days visiting with Mykey's mom and my parents.  We did get to spend Memorial Day with my family and that was divine.  It used to be a big holiday for us when we all lived near each other.  My uncle showed up at the cemetery while we were there so that was a fun surprise. 

After visiting the cemetery, we had lunch at KFC for old time's sake. We also visited the grave of a kid from my Mom's childhood.  It was our first time going to that grave and it was a tender moment.  It was just incredibly nice to be with my family.

Other than that, it was very low-key.  Sissy went to the temple with her cousin.

My mommy worked on my dad's corns.  This has been a constant my entire life. Talk about true love.

Baby was busy with her chores.

And then was exhausted from her hard work.

As I think about my mother-in-law's health and the inevitability of her death sooner rather than later, I am grateful for my foundation in Christ.  It is peaceful to know that mortality is not the end - that God has plans beyond our comprehension for us once we leave this earth. It also reminds me how quickly life truly does pass.  

I'm trying to savor the moments more and be more sincerely grateful.

I'm also trying to fight less with Sissy.  It's a challenge.

My dang Viking blood runs hot.  

And I mean HOT. But I'll get there.

All said and done, it was a meaningful and lovely trip.  Idaho does it again.