Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Ma and Pa

My parents came to be with us for the arrival of our baby.  I always love it when my parents are around.  They are exquisite company, and my dad does things that make me shake my head and giggle.  

Like purchasing this enormous box of bacon.

There we were, eating lunch and donuts at our favorite Mennonite store.  And there it was, a pallet stacked tall with enormous boxes of bacon.  There was quite a hubbub around the pallet.  Naturally my pa had to see what all the action was about.  It was about bacon.  So he bought a box.

After we were home and had opened our gift of bacon, my pa realized what a score he had.  He called the store to see if they had anymore bacon left for us to purchase.  This is when we were informed that the hill 'o bacon had been pre-ordered by customers. Any that wasn't picked up would be a free-for-all in a couple of days.  

Oops.  We had inadvertently nicked a box.

Seems to me like the store should make sure that you've actually pre-ordered the bacon before they take your money. Which they didn't.  So really they only have themselves to blame.  That's how I'm living with the guilt.  But dang, the bacon was delicious.  

Besides becoming inadvertent bacon bandits, we also enjoyed a plethora of other fun activities. We held birds at Parrot Mountain.

We visited the Rocky Mount historical site and learned that back in the olden days, children were expected to start helping with chores at the age of 2.  Sorry new baby, I think I'll bring back the olden days. (Minus the 652 layers of clothing that the women had to wear.) Kitty purchased a plastic deer and posed it in the woods to look real.  Mykey was fascinated with the compressed block of tea leaves.  I was trying not to pass out from heat exhaustion in the old house.  Why didn't these olden day guys install A/C?!

We also went to dinner at my cousin's house and had the most exciting time watching his ginormous tree uproot in the wind.  Well, I didn't actually get to watch it...I was in the bathroom.  But everyone else was privy to the excitement.  The tree fell in the exact spot where we typically park our car.  We didn't park in our usual spot because I was wearing sandals and didn't want to traverse the bark chips.  My laziness saved Mykey's Prius from utter destruction.  You're welcome.

Of course, my ma went straight to work fixing my interior doors.  It's the way she earns her dinner.

We went on a barge ride and saw 10 million lily pads and a few beaver lodges.  It was a relaxing ride...perfect for a pregnant lady. 

The most bizarre event was when my pa was driving and a bank of mailboxes slammed themselves into the back of my new car.  The nerve of some mailboxes. 

It's been a very exciting stretch so far.  Our next adventure will be the baby arriving.

Holy crap! 

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