Friday, May 24, 2024

Awards Galore

With the end of the school year slithering closer, we were invited to attend the 5th grade awards ceremony at Sissy's school.  Can you guess what happened when I saw my baby sitting there in the front row?

I cried and cried and cried.

Must be the hormoneees.

I was incredibly proud as I watched Sissy receive her awards - she had the most A/R points for the year in her class - 540 points. She also maintained straight A's for the entire school year.  It was medals and a trophy and a shirt and a water bottle and a string bag for Sissy. Wowza! Sissy also loved showing Baby off and we scooped up all the compliments with glee.

Like I said...lots of tears for Booney.  Happy tears.  Proud tears.  I-can't-believe-my-baby-is-leaving-elementary-school tears.

I curse those hormoneees.

And now it's official.  We're off to middle school.

Cue the sound of Booney's sobs.

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