Thursday, November 16, 2023

5th Grade Music Program

You know what's weird? 

A tap-dancing raccoon.

But it's also weird that my oldest baby recently performed in her final elementary school program.

The raccoon is prolly weirder though.

ANYWHO...Kitty was in a music program and was chosen to be a waltzer! With a boy! They had to touch palms! She was simultaneously embarrassed, excited, and nervous.

I was just excited and proud.  Immensely proud. 

Look at my beauty.

It was a really nice program - short and sweet.  

Kitty did great even though she was stuck next to a bawl baby for the first half of the show.

It's alright, her mama was also being a bawl baby in the audience.

Her waltz was a success and we celebrated the event with pizza for dinner.

Another milestone for my girl.

Now no more!

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