Friday, November 3, 2023


We had a glorious Halloween this year.  Kitty decided on her costume months prior to the big night, and we anxiously awaited for China to send it our way.

After our first order failed we had to find a new vendor.  The stress of whether or not the costume would make it across the ocean in time for Halloween was dizzying.  Thankfully the boats were running quickly and the costume arrived on time. Whew!

Kitty was a character from Zelda named Purah.  She's a scientist of some sort.  No one knew who she was.  Wah-wah.  She did get a couple of shout-outs and it made her night.  Next year she's going the more traditional route.  I told her to choose from one of my childhood costumes: clown or hobo.  That was it for me.  But everyone could recognize what I was!

Mykey was Mad-Eye Moody, Baby was a bat, and after discovering that my Ghostbusters costume was far too tight in the hips and backside, I was a cat.  I learned my lesson about purchasing a 5 dollar costume without trying it on.  Too tight and itchy.  Wah-wah.

Kitty has a best friend from school, whose father is also her soccer coach.  We spent the evening with their family.  We had pizza, all the snacks you could ever want, and a gargantuan pan of chips and queso dip, which we were lucky enough to take home at the end of the night.  It's possible Mykey and I ate every last chip.  Possibly.

It was a beautiful night and a bit on the cold side, but we had fun nonetheless.  Baby protested the stroller after a while and I ended up having to carry her the last half hour.  At least the extra body kept me warm.  I also stole Kitty's costume gloves to keep my digits from turning hypothermic.  

I have a temperature problem.  Always cold.  Always.

Kitty scored a pillowcase's worth of goodies and everyone was happy.  The Mom Tax was especially tasty.

Happy Halloween!

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