Monday, March 25, 2024

9 Months

Baby had her 9 month check-up recently.  Does that seem possible?

Not really.

But here we are.  And in the 9 months since she was born, I've only jettisoned 10 pounds of the 45 I gained during pregnancy.  


No matter.  I have an adorably adorable baby to show for it.  It's a good trade.

Baby had a perfect meeting with the Dr. at her check-up. Well, she screamed like a cockatoo when he tried to listen to her heart, but other than that - completely perfect.  

Here is how Baby measured up:

Weight: 20 big ones - 76th percentile
Height: 24 inches - 58th percentile
Head circumference: 17 inches - 29th percentile

At 9 months, Baby is scooting around but not crawling.  She can get up into the crawling position, but just rocks back and forth and gets upset that she's not moving. She mostly gets to destinations by lying on her stomach and pushing herself backwards.  It's effective enough for her to find trouble.  All the time.

She is still waking up in the night around 2 or 3 despite our best efforts to squash this habit.  But overall, she is pure joy.  She is happy, laughs easily, and loves to be held.  She is trying more solid foods and is a good eater.  She loves yogurt but isn't crazy about avocado.  Come on! Someone in this family needs to appreciate avocado with me.

We've enjoyed 9 wonderful months with her.

We sure love Baby!    

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