Friday, March 29, 2024

Seussical the Musical

Kitty informed me recently that she's outgrown her blog nickname and doesn't want me to call her Kitty anymore.

You know what I've outgrown? My baby growing up! 

So now what? Well...she came up with a different name.

I will now be referring to my firstborn as Zelda. That's Princess Zelda to you.

I'm not sure how I feel about it.  But I will respect my Kitty's wishes.

Starting now.

Zelda's best friend from school convinced her to participate in a theater camp with the Jonesborough Repertory Theater.  They would be performing Seussical the Musical. I wasn't sure how this adventure would play out since she had to be coerced into doing it AND she's never done theater of any kind.  But I was excited for her.  On the first day of class they had to audition for parts, both by singing and reciting lines from the script.  After her first audition she told me that she had bombed when she became nervous and forgot the words to her song.  But she was delighted to report that she felt quite confident about her speaking audition.  All that remained was to wait for parts to be assigned.

And guess what?

Zelda was granted the role of Cat in the Hat! A main role! She was elated.  I was elated.  Everyone was elated.  

She diligently studied her script and had Michael make a CD of the songs so she could practice her singing and dancing.  She listened to the music while she showered.  She danced late at night when she should have been in bed.  She took it all very seriously. I was proud.

The day of the show finally arrived.  I must admit that my expectations weren't high.  They are a bunch of 5th-7th graders, afterall.

Boy, was I wrong!  They did such a fantastic job! I watched my baby up there on stage and beamed with pride.  Her teacher from school and the girls from church even came to watch her perform.  It was sweet.  Zelda made a gaggle of new friends and had a wonderful experience.  It was so wonderful that she's already signed up for another camp this summer. 

We celebrated her success with Bottlecaps and dinner at the Olive Garden.

She's now talking about joining the Drama Club in middle school this fall.  

It looks like I have myself an actress. 

Congratulations to my Cat in the Hat!

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