Tuesday, April 2, 2024


Our Easter celebrations this year were lowkey. We started with a ward brunch and egg hunt on Saturday. Now that Zelda is in the Young Women's program at church, she had to transition to setting up the egg hunt rather than participating in it.  

She was rather upset about this.

I looked around for a community egg hunt for her but everything seemed too lame or geared to really young kids.  She's in the odd stage of being too old for a hunt with little kids, but not quite old enough to give up on the idea altogether. 

One night while I was lying in bed NOT sleeping,  I had the brilliant idea to set up a scavenger hunt for our girl.  

So I promptly told Michael to get to work on my brilliant idea. In true Michael fashion, he came up with the even more brilliant idea to use A.I. generated photos based on Zelda's gecko, Squiggly.

It was hilarious.  And perfect in every way.

After her duties at our ward brunch and egg hunt were fulfilled, we surprised her with the scavenger hunt.

She went around the house gathering clues and eggs and finished with the grand finale of a Lego Infinity Gauntlet.  She'd been saving her pennies for months to buy it, but was still $15 short. We made up the difference for her and purchased it.  She had it built in just a couple of hours.

What a great day.

On Easter Sunday we had dinner with my cousin and dyed eggs at home.  The Easter bunny even brought me and Mykey a bag of Cadbury Mini Eggs, which we divided evenly and devoured.  

What a great day.

Happy Easter!

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