Saturday, April 6, 2024

Fooled Ya

Zelda starts planning for April Fool's Day on April 2nd.  

I do my best to keep up with her. I think I'm pretty clever with my pranks, but Zelda likes to pretend that I never get her.  

I know the truth.

This year, she really put her back into it.  I was finding gems all day.  I tip my hat to my pranking queen.  This year she made me jump, groan, and shake my head. She was busy.

Busy doing things like putting paint in my shampoo, filling the spray bottle I use to wet down hair with vinegar, adding peppermint oil to Michael's CPAP water reservoir, and rubbing gel food coloring on the bathroom sink faucet.  Whew!

She also was busy doing many other pranks.  Things like:

Using her 3D pen to make a replica of her gecko so I'd think he had escaped.

Replacing my deodorant with butter.

And leaving a cockroach in Baby's bed.

Her best prank was that she covered my soap with nail polish so it wouldn't lather. What a trick!

Michael thought he'd be clever and put a spider under my blanket on the couch.  I didn't appreciate that one.

He also put a speaker in Zelda's bathroom that made mouse noises.  She pretended like it didn't startle her but we know the truth.

I had my own arsenal of pranks to share.  I put rubber insects and a plastic Forky toy in her lunchbox.  

I stole an idea from my nephew and decorated her toilet.

I hid a grasshopper in her dresser drawer.

And put a spider on her toilet paper.

And left friends in the shower.

I had to wait all day for the best prank of all. I filled her pillowcase with balloons. She had quite the surprise when she went to bed that night. Totally worth it.

And to cap off the fun, Baby officially started crawling.  It was an eventful day indeed.

Oh, how I love that my older daughter keeps it silly around our house. She truly is a joy. 
Happy April Fool's Day!

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