Saturday, April 20, 2024


I've made a decision - I'm going to stop eating so much chocolate.  Wait.  That seems very unlike me.  Let me try again. 

I've made a decision - I'm not going to refer to my oldest daughter as Zelda anymore.  It just doesn't feel quite right.  Are you with me on this?  I knew you would be.  

From henceforth and forever, I will refer to her as Big Sissy.  That's a title she will never outgrow.  

Now stop lollygagging and get on with it already.

My sweet 11-year-old baby was able to attend the temple for the first time recently.  It takes nearly 4 hours by car to get to the temple.  That's 4 hours each way.  It made for a long but worthwhile day.  Michael took her and I stayed home with Baby.  I was sad to miss it but grateful her dad was able to be there.  One of Sissy's friends rode with them and Michael said they talked and talked and talked.  My heart was happy.  

So what do I want my daughter to know about the temple?  

I want her to know that I love the temple with my whole soul.  

I want her to know that the covenants we make with God in the temple are sacred and a strength to me.

I want her to know that the service we provide in the temple makes an eternal difference for real people.

I want her to know that time spent in the temple is an opportunity to be closer to heaven.

I want her to know that my testimony of temple attendance came by following the admonition of President Nelson back in 2018.  He urged us to attend the temple regularly and promised that the Lord would bring the miracles He knows we need as we sacrifice to serve and worship in the temple. The Lord fulfilled that promise to me and I have experienced many miracles.

I look forward to Sissy calling down her own miracles by attending the temple regularly.

She had a wonderful time and I hope this will spark her own love for the temple.  

What a perfect way to spend a Saturday!

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