Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Wanna know how I can tell my daughters are sisters?

They act like each other.  Well...not so much at their current ages. It's not like Zelda is going around pooping her pants or Baby is slamming her bedroom door.  What I mean is that Baby does exactly the same things that her older sissy did at this age. And I mean exactly.

Things like playing with one of Michael's gazillion random cords.

Or eating our pet's food. Baby likes cat food.  Zelda likes dog.

Or splashing in the toilet like it's a swimming pool.

And staring longingly outside at the great beyond.

And trying to siphon the last few drips from a soda can. 

Yup. Sisters. It will be fun when they start doing the exact same things that my sisters and I do.

Tweezing our chin whiskers.

Sisters are the best!

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